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Homework Club

Homework Club

Homework Club

If you have work you need/want to complete then the Homework club is for you,The Homework club is hosted at the library after school for anyone to join.

There will be some supplies to help you work such as computers, electronic aplliances like printers and stationary and there may even be some activites that you can do while your their.Also while your there you can take a break and have some food in the quad, in the quad there will be a sausage sizzle.

The Rise Values

The Rise Values are the Creed we base our time at Tamaki by,Rise is an acronym for four words,Respect,Integrity,Success,rEsponsibillity.


The things that you might need are:

  • Device
  • Books, papers and pens
  • Charger
  • Good Attitude
  • Knowledge